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Ibrahim Balkir

Ibrahim Balkir

Ibrahim Balkir


Pilon School of Business

Ibrahim has a Ph.D., Accounting, 2000, Concordia University (Montreal, Quebec, Canada). The thesis title is "Effects of Analytical Review Results, Optimism and Patterns-for-Coping on Audit Effort of Accounting Estimates",

M.S., Accounting, 1990, Garyounis (Benghazi) University (Benghazi, Libya) and

B.S., Accounting, 1985, Garyounis (Benghazi) University.


Academic work:

Ibrahim taught accounting and auditing courses in different universities in Libya and United Arab Emirates. Also, he supervised number of master degree theses in the areas of audit quality, accounting information systems and internal controls. In addition, he was a member of the committee that has established a master program in finance by Garyounis University-Libya & Boccuni University-Italy. He has some publications in issues of analytical review effectiveness, fund allocation and accounting education. Ibrahim has joined Sheridan College since September 2016. He is teaching intermediate accounting, managerial accounting and advanced financial accounting.


Professional activities:

  • Ibrahim has acted as an auditor general (president) of the Libyan Audit Bureau for the transitional period (2011-2012) in Libya.
  • He has worked as a member of board of directors in First Gulf Libyan Bank- AbuDhabi & Libya (2009-2011); Elkhebra Company for Investment & Tourism, Libya; The Economic and the Social Development Fund (Sovereign Fund), Libya; and a control committee chair person – Sahara Bank, Libya for the period 2013 -2015.
  • He participated and presented papers in professional and academic conferences that debate the subjects of combatting corruption in Libya, investments & privatization, governmental accounting and managing development in Libya, financial policy and auditing in Euro-Mediterranean firms, and accounting in the globalization environment.

Ibrahim has provided varieties of training sessions to different levels of employees. He gave training to workers in the UAE government in the subjects of budgetary and governmental accounting; bankers in gulf states about techniques in auditing and operational review. Further, training given in Libya regarding internal controls in banking sector, internal controls in electronic environment, and analysis of financial statements of insurance companies.

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